The Artist
The woman behind the beats, the music and the voice.
My name is Zajah. My musical style is very unique. It is always memorable and super catchy. I do my best to always aim high with every song produced and continuously growing stronger with each new song. The musical flavor is inspired by 80’s music but with a futuristic design. Along with the talent for the ivory keys, actually I use a digital keyboard, I believe I have a very unique voice and style of singing too. Yes, I have been told I am the next Alison Moyet mashed with Taylor Dayne mashed with Michael James Hucknall (from Simply Red).
My point of view.
Not one to flaunt or exploit my personal life and story, I humble myself for the journey I have taken to get this far in life. Of course, I am very excited to go very far! I’d like to believed that my footprints will inspire, help and guide others. I mean, if I can do this, then surely anyone else can.
“You must live with ambition in order to dance with achievement all while flirting with determination to completely and intimately surrender to success.”
A little history – there is a pop quiz later.
I started my music career back in the 1990s shortly after high school. I am the found and owner of TIAB Productions. Having been in the industry for over 10 years, I have been fortunate to have worked with many artists along the way. The most significant artist that rocketed my career was boyMONROE. For a couple of years I was the producer / composer and one of the former singers of boyMONROE. Together we found a home within the LGBTQi Family in Austin Texas. The LGBTQi community in Austin TX became the launchpad in our musical careers – I am forever humble and grateful for and to them.
Over the years my resume with other amazing artists has grown. Ranging from acoustic music all the way to electronic music.
I have worked with many talented artists, like:
Allan Rahm
Bernard Shai Lelchuk
Bobby Knight
Brad Owens
Brian Twombly
Charles Sterntorp
Chris Dodson
Hiroshi Ziggysan
Impulse Control Disorder
L'esprit 83
Let'Em Riot
Louis-Frédéric Lessard
Robbie Michaels
Sandor Gavin
Scott Morris
Shortstop & Strech
Tim Barnsley-Parfitt
Are you next in line to work with Zajah?
Excitingly my journey has been amazing and it’s wonderful to see it is getting traction with the world via online.
It’s never easy to describe oneself but I will try. I describe myself as the 80s influenced recording artist because many of my songs have influences of the 80s music; may it be musically or even lyrically.
I’m a simple and humble person so for me as long as you’re singing along and / or dancing to my music then I’m happy. It always puts a smile on my face knowing I made you shake a tail feather haha.